User Submitted Map
This suggested map change was submitted by the public.
Submitted Plan Name
Arizona Latino Coalition for Fair Redistricting Congressional Map South
Plan Type
Congressional Focused
Date Submitted
Arizona Latino Coalition for Fair Redistricting
Plan Description
This congressional plan includes a southern VRA complaint majority Latino district. The majority of the population in Pima County.
Plan Objective
This congressional map is a submission of the Arizona Latino Coalition for Fair Redistricting. It contains two VRA-compliant congressional districts that achieve Hispanic Citizen Voting Age Population of an estimated 52.28% for the Southern Arizona district and 50.26% for the Phoenix-based district. Without the possibility of a third majority Latino district, the coalition believes that these two districts best preserve the voting strength of Arizona Latinos. These two congressional districts are anchored in two major metropolitan areas. The first is primarily a Phoenix-based district. The second is a Southern Arizona district, with a majority of its population in Pima County. Both districts are of equal population, comply with the requirements of the Voting Rights Act, are contiguous and as compact as possible, while also keeping together significant communities of interest and incorporating visible geographic features. The coalition can be reached at
Plan File